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Checkpoint is a masterclass in self-assurance and resilience, as the artist reflects on the hard-earned journey to respect and recognition in the music industry. The opening lines, “It’s bout that time I switch gears / Took me 4-5 years to get respect from my peers,” immediately set the tone for a track brimming with both confidence and gratitude for the grind that’s led to this moment. The artist takes a moment to pause and reflect, showing how perseverance has paid off, but also how far they’ve come to carve out their own space in an often overcrowded industry.

The track also showcases a deep level of introspection. The lines “Found a couple bodies of the people who were dead to me / I begin remembering things they might’ve said to me” highlight how the artist is sifting through past relationships, both personal and professional, understanding how they’ve been shaped by others’ words and actions. There’s a quiet reckoning with the fact that enemies exist, but the artist embraces this as a natural consequence of growth and success. The willingness to shed old identities and embrace a new one, coupled with the recognition that “legendary tendencies” are present, reflects an artist who is comfortable in their skin and confident in their craft.

The hook, repeating “I’m that new n***** with the flow easy on the ears,” encapsulates the self-awareness and the confidence that drives the artist's artistry. It’s catchy and effortless, reinforcing the theme of the artist not needing to chase trends or validation. The mention of “musics like a good investment / Your interest will compound” is a perfect metaphor, showing how the artist’s work is a long-term play, not just for instant gratification but for building something that will grow and resonate over time.

The final verses dive into the artist’s commitment to their craft, even when faced with setbacks. “I went so hard, see the scars on my palms now” is a vivid image of the struggle, but it also signifies that the artist is proud of the work they’ve put in. They’ve faced hardship, but they’re back on track and ready for more. The line “Success is just a woman that I haven’t made mine yet” is a particularly poignant metaphor, likening success to something elusive and unattainable, but something the artist is fully determined to win over in time.

The song ends with a note of humility and confidence: “Stay tuned, I ain’t even wrote my best lines yet.” It’s a statement that encapsulates the essence of the track—this is just the beginning, and there’s much more to come. The reference to this track being “just a checkpoint” solidifies the idea that the artist is on a long, transformative journey, and the world hasn’t even seen the best of what they have to offer.